Sunday, 13 December 2009

Happy Month Day!

Toddler is 20 months today!

I love the way you make little stories up about the dog and blame him for all that goes wrong.
I love how you are always in your happy place and your smile and laugh takes me there with you.
I love how you swing your arms wildly back and forth when running
I love how your new game invloves bouncing on my head.
I love when you share your toys with your others
I love how you pick up your phone and have conversations with your Nan.
I love how your toys are your friends.
I love that you love chocolate.

I love you very much my beautiful baby.

Saturday, 12 December 2009


I have been pretty horrible to be around over the past 2 days. Tired and emotional I have not had any patience with Toddler.

I read this tonight and I vow to be give my toddler a better day tommorrow:


Christmas is here!

With a Christmasy chill in the air and shoppers busy with their gift lists it finally feels like Christmas is on the way.

We put the tree up, and what a tree! Crammed full of shiny baubles, bright fairy lights and topped with a golden star, our Christmas tree is lookin' good this year!

Toddler did an excellent job of decorating the lower half of the tree with non breakables and only at the end did she discover the foil wrapped chocolates and red stripy candy canes :)

Lets hope the dog doesn't discover yummys!

Friday, 11 December 2009


Rather ashamedly we have only just got our almost 20 month old toddler into her own bed and her own room.


"I wish we had done this sooner" I tell everyone. I can now lie comfortably in my own bed without being kicked in the head several times a night.

What I don't tell everyone is how heartbreaking it is for me and hubby to hear her cry and call out for us through the night, leading to me and hubby arguing on the best way to handle.

I think we should let her cry it out with her learning to self soothe. He thinks that by picking her up in the middle of the night and bringing her to our bed will get her to sleep.

Errrr no.

Hubby spent the early hours of this cold, cold morning sleeping on the sofa.

Lets hope tonight goes better!

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

A Whole New World

Ok so I'm new to this blogging game having only read posts of Alpha Mummy via The Times website, I ventured forward and explored new territory through the top ten mummy blogs and rather liked what I found.

Somthing a little stronger & wittier than the baby fourms, somthing that made me lol.

I've been trying reinvent myself for a while, toying with the idea of becomming a freelance webdesigner to signing up to Usborne books only after discovering I'm usless at selling.

I've also thought about writting. I always enjoyed the creative outlet I got from words.

So having stumbled across this mummy blogging world and recived support from fellow mummy blogger Jo Beaufoix who pointed me in the direction of LittleMummy's free Blogging course, I thought why not! I'll give it go and see what happens. And you know what? It's pretty cool.